Sometimes, situations do not work in your favour. You may encounter a cash need regardless of the financial crisis. Not everyone plans for the uncertain times. It just happens. However, confronting tough financial times with emergency cash needs is challenging. You may need money now but cannot finance it due to the crisis.
You panic and explore different ways to get help. You search for the best options according to finances and credit. In a financial crisis, your credit remains unstable. Here is when you spot just the right way to finance the need—bad credit loans. Moreover, if you are a student or tenant seeking urgent cash, you may have bad credit loans without a guarantor requirement. It is one of the best ways to finance critical cash needs.
Qualifying for low-credit loans without a third person is just the beginning. You must make regular payments according to the loan agreement. One must decide the repayment tenure consciously. Additionally, read the terms and conditions regarding the payments. Analyse the missed payment fees, default charges, proceedings, and legal issues you may face on defaulting.
Understanding the loan inside out will help you avoid default. However, if finances fall further and you fear default, some initiatives might help. The blog lists the best ways to prevent a bad credit loan default.
7 Measures to avoid defaulting on poor credit loans without a guarantor
Getting a loan without a guarantor for a low credit history is costly. Thus, defaulting on such a loan deeply impacts credit scores and finances. Moreover, it may invite legal action from your loan provider. Here are some tips that may help you take the charge and avoid defaulting on the loan:
1) Analyse missed payments and charges
It is the very first thing to note. Check the total payable amount with interest and penalty. The interest cost rises with every missed payment. Thus, analysing the total dues until now will help you take suitable action. Check the total loan amount and the extras you must pay due to missed payments.
2) Evaluate the income prospects
Once you know the exact liabilities you owe, plan payments. Check the amount you can comfortably pay within the existing circumstances. It is not ideal to pay 70% or more of your earnings towards debt clearance.
Instead, check how much you can pay without bothering your basic budget. Additionally, make efforts to improve your income situation. Identify the prospects for gaining promotion within the existing office.
3) Discuss/inform your loan provider
After making the necessary calculations, contact the loan provider. Keeping him in the know about the current financial situation and payment potential may help. Tell him how much you can realistically pay. He may help you arrange a suitable payment situation.
It is one of the best benefits of seeking bad credit loans with no guarantor and no broker requirement for needs. Instead of telling the broker about financial difficulty, contact the lender. Moreover, it reduces the chances of the information getting vulnerable and impacting credit scores. The direct lender shares personal knowledge about your payment intensity and reputation. He may help you find a suitable solution quicker than any broker. However, never delay approaching him when he is in need. The delay may hamper your finances even more.
4) Discuss and finalise a favourable agreement
The loan provider analyses the current finances, the possibility of improving it, and the loan amount. It helps him design a new agreement favourable to your circumstances. The new deal may have low interest rates, monthly payments or reduced penalty charges.
Analyse and discuss if you want the person to change it further. He may personalise it further if you have been a loyal borrower. This arrangement helps you meet basic loan payments without affecting your budget and other liabilities.
Re-check the loan terms and conditions to avoid surprises later on. Moreover, reading the agreement deeply will help you ask the right questions. You can plan the payments accordingly.
5) Utilise your investments
While the provider may help reduce some liabilities overhead, you can’t skip payments. Identify the best opportunities to pay despite low income. Check your potential investments. You can use some mature investments to repay the pending debt amount.
For example, if you have emergency funds, utilise a portion to pay debts. However, it is not ideal for a small amount of money. Individuals with bad credit can get no guarantor loan from a direct lender. You may see it as another loan. However, it helps you re-pay the dues and improve your credit score. Moreover, you can rationalise the best way to clear this without haste.
6) Extend the repayment date
Under changed financial circumstances, you may struggle or fall behind in payments. If your current financial status is temporary, extend the repayment tenure. If you believe that finances will get back on track within 6 months, it may help.
Extending the loan repayment tenure reduces monthly loan payments. It makes it more affordable than the existing loan arrangement. However, extending the loan repayment term implies more interest costs. Thus, decide what lies best in your favour.
7) Seek help from loved ones
Though you may not want to bother, sometimes loved ones may help. It is helpful if you need no other way to pay the dues. Your mother, father or brother may help you skip this debt trap. Ask your loan provider whether any of these may become guarantors. Introducing a guarantor in the middle of the agreement may sound impossible. However, if you do not see any hope of paying the dues any sooner, this may help.
It may be the best way to prevent the default. The guarantor may be responsible for paying the repayments until your situation improves. He must be someone with a good credit score and consistent income. Tell him about the positives and negatives of being a guarantor. It will help him decide carefully.
Bottom line
These are some ways to avoid defaulting on a poor credit loan. Missing payments continuously increase liabilities and impact credit scores. Thus, contact the loan provider immediately for a solution. He may help you suggest the best thing given your circumstances.
Additionally, try to boost your earning capacity. It will help you pay more towards the debt and settle it. Always ensure that the agreement meets the expectations and is affordable. In case of confusion, discuss your concerns.
Hi, I am Jose Aalan , working as an experienced digital marketing executive in a lending firm ( and indulge in the planning, execution, optimisation and promotion of products and services through digital channels.